Saturday, 1 September 2012

July! July!

My backlog of July photos starts with... Brighton! We celebrated Tom's birthday by cycling to Brighton, it was a tiring ride for me but it was a great feeling to arrive somewhere having not spent a huge amount of money getting there and having seen all the lovely villages along the way. It was just a quick visit, we stayed over at nice B&B by the sea, with a very lovely breakfast and friendly owners. We went out for some drinks, italian food and had to try out Okinami, Fat Boy Slim's japanese restaurant/bar, we didn't try the food but we did load up on cocktails. It was a nice place to have cocktails in and see in Tom's birthday but a little too swanky for a japanese meal. But we did get to have some japanese food the next day at Pompoko, a little place that is quite clearly very popular with locals, the food was VERY quick and cheap, not really to my standards but it was cheap, quick and filled me up. There was also the required Pier visit and a sunny afternoon checking out the Lanes. In the end I decided to let Tom cycle back alone, and I took the train home so I could prepare a birthday cake, dinner and decorations for his arrival.

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